Investment Fund ABC



AIFMD stands for “Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive.” It is a European Union (EU) regulatory framework that was introduced to regulate and oversee the activities of managers who operate alternative investment funds (AIFs). AIFs encompass a wide range of investment vehicles that are not covered by the more traditional Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) framework, such as hedge funds, private equity funds, real estate funds, and other alternative investment vehicles.
AIFMD aims to enhance transparency, investor protection, and systemic stability within the EU’s alternative investment fund market. It sets out requirements for fund managers who manage and market AIFs to both professional and retail investors. These requirements include reporting obligations, risk management guidelines, capital requirements, and rules related to the delegation of portfolio management.
AIFMD plays a significant role in shaping the regulatory landscape for alternative investments in Europe, aiming to ensure investor protection, market stability, and effective oversight of alternative investment fund managers.

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