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Article “Choosing Wisely in Real Estate: An Insight into Timing and Conflicts” (MSN.COM)

Article “Choosing Wisely in Real Estate: An Insight into Timing and Conflicts” (MSN.COM)

https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/choosing-wisely-conflicts-and-timing-in-residential-real-estate-investment-funds/ar-AA1iDJSl The realm of real estate investments offers a vast array of opportunities, with residential real estate investment funds standing out as a preferred choice for many. Yet, as with every promising venture, there are...
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Article “Mitigating Risk: Diversification and Sustainable Residential Real Estate Investment Funds”

Article “Mitigating Risk: Diversification and Sustainable Residential Real Estate Investment Funds”

https://ventsmagazine.co.uk/diversification-and-sustainable-residential-real-estate-investment-funds/ Article "Mitigating Risk: Diversification and Sustainable Residential Real Estate Investment Funds" Investing in residential real estate presents both opportunities and risks. This article delves into the pivotal role of diversification in safeguarding investments in...
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Article “Residential Real Estate Investment Funds: An Alternative to Traditional Landlordship.” (MBN)

Article “Residential Real Estate Investment Funds: An Alternative to Traditional Landlordship.” (MBN)

https://marketbusinessnews.com/residential-real-estate-investment-funds-an-alternative-to-traditional-landlordship/ Article on MBN "Residential Real Estate Investment Funds: An Alternative to Traditional Landlordship." It delves into the advantages of investing in these funds, including diversification, professional management, access to premium properties, liquidity, scalability, and...
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Hanseatic Launches Its First Sustainable Residential Real Estate Investment Fund (Bloomberg)

Hanseatic Launches Its First Sustainable Residential Real Estate Investment Fund (Bloomberg)

https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2023-02-17/hanseatic-alternative-investments-aifp-launches-its-first-sustainable-residential-real-estate-investment-fund-in-latvia Hanseatic Alternative Investments AIFP (Hanseatic), an alternative investment fund manager registered and regulated by the Bank of Latvia under EU AIFMD, has announced the launch of a sustainable residential real estate alternative investment fund...
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FCMC has registered Hanseatic as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager

FCMC has registered Hanseatic as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager

On 5th of October, the Council of the Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC) decided to register Hanseatic Alternative Investments AIFP as an Alternative Investment Fund Management companyUpon registration with the FCMC, Hanseatic Alternative Investments...
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