We are pleased to share a recent feature on Jauns.lv (In Latvian) that highlights some of the most common mistakes landlords make when managing rental properties. The article, titled “Izīrētāju biežāk pieļautās kļūdas un kā tās novērst,” offers practical insights into how landlords can avoid these pitfalls and improve their returns through more effective management strategies. The article also mentions Hanseatic Fund, which provides an excellent alternative for those looking to invest in sustainable residential real estate without the operational challenges of day-to-day management.
For more details, you can read the full article (In Latvian) here – https://jauns.lv/raksts/bizness/625040-iziretaju-biezak-pielautas-kludas-un-ka-tas-noverst
We invite you to explore Hanseatic Fund, which is open for subscriptions until March 2025.